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Germany: Your Women

Die Hexe - eine Hommage

Entstehungsjahr: 2023

Maße: 120 x 100 cm

Art: Unikat

Technik: Akryl + Öl auf Leinwand

<Preis auf Anfrage>

Es brauchte nur einen missgünstigen Nachbarn, einen enttäuschten Verehrer. Dann begann eine Spirale aus Verhören und Folter. Am Ende stand fast immer der Scheiterhaufen. Die Hexe, ein Sujet mit Geschichte, künstlerisch transformiert gegen das Vergessen von Frauen, die grausam ihr Leben lassen mussten, weil sie angeblich vom Teufel besessen waren. Allein in Deutschland waren es rund 40.000. Ich nenne „meine Hexe“ Kassandra. Sie bricht aus, kämpft für ihre Rolle als Frau gegen die ungerechten Beschuldigungen. Eine Gekrönte mit hoch erhobenem Kopf. Die Krone als Zeichen für ihre Würde, ihre Kraft und ihren Mut. Doch Kassandras Krone ist noch knöchern. Zur Reinigung ihrer Seele wird sie gemartert und verbrannt, bis nur Pulver blieb. Goldene Steine als Mahnmal für Tausende von Schicksalen. In meiner Darstellung ist die Hexe zu einem regelrechten Sinnbild einer starken Frau geworden. Symbol für die Selbstbestimmung der Frau, für Naturverbundenheit und Spiritualität, damals wie heute...

The Diva

Year of Origin: 2022

Measurements: 120x100cm

Type: Unique

Technique: Acrylic + Oil + oxidized Metal Foil on canvas

<Price on request>

Red and gold as the main colors - royal colors for the "diva". The word comes from Latin and means: the divine, an immortal being. A creature that lives only in the imagination. Without flaws, without weaknesses - the perfect woman. But what is perfect? The work of art wants to show: all women can be wonderful, feel like a "diva", because none of the famous divas was and is perfect. Above all, it is the multi-layered nature of a true diva: glamorous, strong, determined, but also vulnerable, with weaknesses. A modern woman who has the courage, desire and will to be authentic.


Year of origin: 2022

Measurements: 120x100cm

Type: Unique

Technique: Acrylic + Oil on canvas

<Price on request>

The bride was 16 at the most, educated, intelligent and particularly beautiful. The groom around 20 years older. This age difference was not uncommon in the mid-12th century. It seems unusual, however, how Beatrice of Burgundy found her own steps towards an independent personality at that time. A life and impact story and a woman's role of historical importance: As the wife of Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa, she stood by him for 40 years in courtly life and as an adviser. The mother of eleven children also accompanied her husband during his wars in Italy and was exposed to dangerous situations, which she faced inflexibly. She shows herself to the viewer as combative, with sword and crown. Beatrix is ​​buried today, together with her daughter Agnes, in Speyer Cathedral.

Sunje - fighter for the light

Year of origin: 2022

Measurements: 120x100cm

Type: Unique

Technique: Acrylic + Oil on canvas

<Price on request>

Sunje - the little sun - and yet so strong and powerful. The fighter for light as a warming, illuminating source so that our world can exist - for thousands of years. With her soul loops she entwines suns and moons, flora and fauna. One with the spiritual, expressive through the image of a druid in the background. Everyone carries light within them. We all have that divine spark of light within us. Life is there to make that light big and visible so that one day the whole world will shine brightly. The goal may seem distant at times, but it is there.